SP survey for passenger transport (Transport Model Austria)
Within the scope of the implementation of the new Transport Model Austria and the project, Transport Forecast Austria 2040+ (commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), ASFINAG Service GmbH und ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG) a stated preference survey was conducted on the mobility behaviour of the Austrian resident population. The main result is SP data for the estimation of discrete decision models for modelling passenger transport in Austria. The total net sample contains about 1.850 persons with SP interviews as well as subsamples segments for tour purpose and means of transport. The data set includes the meta and micro data as Excel files.
Further information can be found at: www.verkehrsmodell.at
Straßennetzwerk, Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen, Bundes- und Landesstraßen, Stadt und Gemeindestraßen, Schienen gebunden, Stadt- und U-Bahn, Andere Öffentliche Verkehrsnetzwerke, Andere
Linienverkehrsdienste, Eisenbahn einschl. Hochgeschwindigkeit, konventioneller Bahnverkehr, Stadtbahn, Fernbus, Seeverkehr einschl. Fährschiffen, Untergrundbahn, Straßenbahn, Bus, Oberleitungsbus, Abruf-Verkehrsdienste, Pendelbus, Pendelfähre, Taxi, gemeinsame Pkw-Nutzung (Car-Sharing), Fahrgemeinschaften (Car-Pooling), Mietwagen, gemeinsame Nutzung von Fahrrädern (Bike-Sharing), Leihfahrrad, Individualverkehr, Pkw, Motorrad, Fahrrad, Fußgänger
Survey design was based on the KOMOD manual. Pretest was conducted with 600 households (gross)
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survey, passenger transport, transport model Austria, transport forecast Austria 2040+