TomTom's Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI) API is a webservice that delivers anonymized non-personal raw data on hazardous situations directly collected by TomTom's own applications. The content of the API includes anonymized, non-personal, crowd-sourced data from drivers using TomTom's AmiGO application that reports 'hazards' and 'broken down car' incidents on the road. In accordance with EU Regulation 886/2013 this data is accessible to other users and can be integrated in other applications to improve road safety conditions. The access and use of this data are laid out in our terms and conditions. The service delivers safety messages for the area of the European Union in the form of a RESTful web service. The content contains information based on sensor or end-user feedback.
Straßennetzwerk, Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen, Bundes- und Landesstraßen, Stadt und Gemeindestraßen
Road network – tick/enter all functional road classes
The data is raw content, not validated or processed further. Applications can use this information to build services with higher levels on top of it.
Kurzzeitbaustellen, Verkehrsevents und Behinderungen, Unfälle und Störungen, Wetterbedingungen mit Auswirkungen auf Straßenbelag und Sichtbarkeit, Baustellen Informationen