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Freight & TollingParking & ChargingRoad networkTraffic datatraffic restrictions

TomTom Map API

When you build with TomTom Maps APIs and map data sets, you build with a partner that combines three decades of mapping experience with the speed and soul of a start-up. We’re proud of our roots, and we never stop looking ahead – working together with you to bring the best, freshest map data and tech to people all over the world.

TomTom | Accidents and incidents | Animal, people, obstacle, debris on the road | Availability of charging points for electric vehicles | Availability of delivery areas | Availability of parking places (general parking) | Bridge access conditions | Bridge closures | Cost of parking (general parking) | Current availability of parking places (truck parking) | Direction of travel on reversible lanes | Dynamic access conditions for bridges | Dynamic access conditions for tunnels | Dynamic overtaking bans on heavy goods vehicles | Dynamic Speed limits | Estimated travel times | Exceptional weather conditions | Expected delays | Freight delivery regulations | Geometry | Gradients | Identification of tolled roads, Fixed road user charges and available payment methods | Junctions | Lane closures | Location and conditions of charging points for electric vehicles | Location and conditions of compressed natural gas, liquefied naturalgas, liquefied petroleum gas stations | Location and conditions of parking places and service areas (truck parking) | Location of delivery areas | Location of parking places and service areas (general parking) | Location of tolling stations | locations of queues | Number of lanes | Other traffic regulations | Permanent access restrictions | Poor road conditions | Reduced visibility | Road classification | Road closures | Road width | Road Works | Short term road works | Speed | Speed limits | Temporary slippery road | temporary traffic management measures or plans | Traffic circulation plans | Traffic management plans | Traffic volume | Travel times | Tunnel access conditions | Tunnel closure | Unmanaged blockage of a road | Unprotected accident area | Variable road user charges and available payment methods | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Weather conditions affecting road surface and visibility | Wrong-way driver | Inkl. Grenzgebiet | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
traffic restrictions


TomTom's Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI) API is a webservice that delivers anonymized non-personal raw data on hazardous situations directly collected by TomTom's own applications. The content of the API includes anonymized, non-personal, crowd-sourced data from drivers using TomTom's AmiGO application that reports 'hazards' and 'broken down car' incidents on the road.

TomTom | Animal, people, obstacle, debris on the road | Exceptional weather conditions | Reduced visibility | Short term road works | Temporary slippery road | Unmanaged blockage of a road | Unprotected accident area | Wrong-way driver | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Other Categories

Sicheres Radverkehrsnetz und Bike&Ride-Erreichbarkeitsklassen

Die Bike&Ride-Erreichbarkeitsklassen stellen die Erreichbarkeit von ÖV-Haltestellen anhand eines sicheren Radverkehrsnetzes mittels Fahrrad bzw. E-Bike dar. Das
sichere Radverkehrsnetz basiert auf Grundlage der GIP und berücksichtigt eine dezidierte Radinfrastruktur.

Team Datenanalyse und Modelle (AustriaTech) | Not included in the Delegated Regulations | Österreich | Andere
Data for ITS services

RegioFlink: Das Öffi -Shuttle vom Verkehrsverbund Tirol

Wie das funktioniert? Ganz einfach. Sie bestellen das RegioFlink, wenn Sie es brauchen und es holt Sie an einem seiner vielen Haltepunkte ab. Sollten andere Fahrgäste eine Fahrt in dieselbe Richtung buchen, steigen sie in den RegioFlink zu.

Jedes Shuttle kann per App gebucht werden – ein Klick und schon ist ein RegioFlink bestellt.

Marktgemeinde Wattens | How to book car sharing, taxis, cycle hire etc. (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.) | Tiroler Unterland | Andere Öffentliche Verkehrsnetzwerke
Data for ITS services

tim-Zentralraum-Carsharing in Feldkirchen bei Graz, Lastenradsharing und umweltfreundliche Mobilität

Tim-Zentralraum Carsharing Standortinformation

Marktgemeinde Feldkirchen bei Graz | Access Nodes : Geometry/map layout structure of access nodes (all scheduled modes) | Access Nodes: Identified access nodes (all scheduled modes) | Accessibility of access nodes, and paths within an interchange (such as existence of lifts, escalators) | Address identifiers (building number, street name, postcode) | Availability of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles | Basic commercial conditions such as refunding/replacing/exchanging/transferring and basic booking conditions such as purchase windows, validity periods, routing restrictions zonal sequence fares, minimum stay. | Basic common standard fares (all scheduled modes): — Fare network data (fare zones/stops and fare stages) — Standard fare structures (point to point including daily and weekly fares, zonal fares, flat fares) | Bike sharing stations | Car parking spaces available (on and off-street), parking tariffs, road toll tariffs | Car-sharing availability, bike sharing availability | Car-sharing stations | Common fare products (access rights such as zone/point-to-point including daily and weekly tickets/single/return, eligibility of access, basic usage conditions such as validity period/operator/time of travel/interchanging, standard point to point fares pr | Connection links where interchanges may be made, default transfer times between modes at interchanges | Current road link travel times | Cycle network (segregated cycle lanes, on-road shared with vehicles, on-path shared with pedestrians) | Cycling network closures/diversions | Detailed cycle network attributes (surface quality, side-by-side cycling, shared surface, on/off road, scenic route, ‘walk only’, turn or access restrictions (e.g. against flow of traffic) | Disruptions (all modes) | Estimated departure and arrival times of services | Estimated travel times by day type and time-band by transport mode/combination of transport modes | Existence of assistance services (such as existence of on-site assistance) | Future predicted road link travel times | Hours of operation | How to book car sharing, taxis, cycle hire etc. (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | How to pay tolls (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Network topology and routes/lines (topology) | Operational calendar, mapping day types to calendar dates | Parameters needed to calculate an environmental factor such as carbon per vehicle type or passenger mile or per distance walked | Parameters such as fuel consumption needed to calculate cost | Park & Ride stops | Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.) | Pedestrian network and accessibility facilities | Planned interchanges between guaranteed scheduled services | Points of interest (related to transport information) to which people may wish to travel | Publicly accessible refuelling stations for petrol, diesel, CNG/LNG, hydrogen powered vehicles, charging stations for electric vehicles | Real-time status information — delays, cancellations, guaranteed connections monitoring (all modes) | Road network | Secure bike parking (such as locked bike garages) | Special Fare Products: offers with additional special conditions such as promotional fares, group fares, season passes, aggregated products combining different products and add on products such as parking and travel, minimum stay | Status of access node features (including dynamic platform information, operational lifts/escalators, closed entrances and exit locations — all scheduled modes) | Stop facilities access nodes (including platform information, help desks/information points, ticket booths, lifts/stairs, entrances and exit locations) | Timetables | Topographic places (city, town, village, suburb, administrative unit) | Transport operators | Vehicle facilities such as classes of carriage, on-board Wi-Fi. | Vehicles (low floor; wheelchair accessible) | Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes and car parking (all scheduled modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Where how to pay for car parking, public charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
