tim-Zentralraum - Carsharing in Fernitz-Mellach und umweltfreundliche Mobilität
Tim-Zentralraum Carsharing und öffentliche Ladestellen in der Schulgasse, 8072 Fernitz-Mellach
Roadnetwork, Regional roads, Urban and local roads
Scheduled, bus, Demand-responsive, Shuttle bus, taxi, car-sharing, car-pooling, car-hire, Personal, car, pedestrian
Quality description:
tim-Fernitz-Mellach in der Schulgasse, 8072 Fernitz-Mellach
1x E-Carsharing
4x öffentliche Ladestellen
Öffentliche Haltestelle in unmittelbarer Nähe
Park and Ride stops, Bike-parking locations, Filling and charging stations, Location and conditions of charging points, Availability of charging points for electric vehicles, General information for trip planning, Address identifiers, Topographic places, Points of interest, Scheduled Public transport, Stop facilities location and features, Connection links, Sharing and Hiring Services, Car-sharing locations and stations, Car-sharing Availability, Car-hiring Availability, Payment methods, Environmental standards for vehicles, Parking, service and rest area information
E-Carsharing, Mietwagen, E-Mobilität, Ladestellen, Ladepunkte, Ladesäulen, Öffentlicher Verkehr, Haltestellen
Information details
Technical description